Can innovation, entrepreneurship and investment make the planet happier and healthier? Entrepreneur and investor Abigail Carroll thinks so. Through conversations with founders, investors, and thought leaders, in over a dozen countries and counting, Abigail shares this thought-provoking and hope-promoting world with her audience. And always with a little humour.
The Seaweed Revolution with Vincent Doumeizel
Happy Planet Wednesday!
This week we are joined by Vincent Doumeizel, a French native from Burgundy who is Director of the Food Program for Lloyd's Register Foundation as well as an expert on everything seaweed. Vincent has spearheaded the Global Seaweed Coalition, which "is a global partnership established to support the safety and sustainability of the seaweed industry as it scales up and to unite a fragmented market through a unified vision and goals."
Most recently Vincent published the book, The Seaweed Revolution.
Vincent called in from Climate Week in New York City to chat with Happy Planet, and provide a foundation for understanding the potential impact of this sustainable sea-plant on our planet’s future.
Just a reminder, you can listen to Happy Planet pretty much anywhere you listen to podcasts, or by following one of these links:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/happy-planet/id1652024063
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Many thanks to Maine Technology Institute and Spark No. 9.
I’d also like to thank our promotional partners. Investable Oceans is a US-based angel platform specializing in ocean-related startups.
OCEANOVATION is a fast-growing hub for entrepreneurs and investors in blue-tech innovation.
Vincent Doumeizel
The Seaweed Revolution
Safe Seaweed Coalition
Abigail Carroll LinkedIN
Happy Planet LinkedIN
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