Can innovation, entrepreneurship and investment make the planet happier and healthier? Entrepreneur and investor Abigail Carroll thinks so. Through conversations with founders, investors, and thought leaders, in over a dozen countries and counting, Abigail shares this thought-provoking and hope-promoting world with her audience. And always with a little humour.
Thor Sigfusson, Founder of Icelandic Ocean Clusters & Author of 100% Fish, hacks the Ocean.
Abigail Carroll
Season 1
Episode 39
Happy Planet Wednesday !
We are headed to Iceland today to meet Thor Sigfusson the Founder of Iceland Ocean Cluster, an innovation hub he founded in 2011 to focus on marine startups. Since then Ocean Clusters have been popping up around the world, including the New England Ocean Cluster right here in Portland, Maine.
It’s a real delight to have Thor on the show as he has been at the forefront of what is now a quite sizeable ocean innovation movement. Thor is also the author of several books including one that is hot off the press: 100% Fish. His aim is to render fishing more sustainable by making sure we use every part of it.
Just a reminder, you can listen to Happy Planet pretty much anywhere you listen to podcasts, or by following one of these links: Apple , Spotify, Google, or our website.
Many thanks to Maine Technology Institute, Spark No.9, and NONESUCH a made-to-order luxury apparel brand that offers a curated array of fish leathers, wool, and other noble and sustainable fabrics for clients to select from.
I’d also like to thank our promotional partners. Investable Oceans is a US-based angel platform specializing in ocean-related startups.
Oceanovation is a fast-growing hub for entrepreneurs and investors in blue-tech innovation.
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